ASFC students work on RE:LOAD project with Born & Bred Dance Theatre and Tameside Council

13 October 2023

RE:LOAD is a project created by Born and Bred Dance Theatre and Tameside Council, including four artistic disciplines: poetry, street art, dance and film.

Former ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº student and owner of Born and Bred, Olivia Peers has worked with current ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº students to make a creative film, a live dance performance and an art installation that celebrates the town of ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº. 

The aim of the RE:LOAD project was to urge people to look at ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº town centre in a new and positive light. Olivia's challenge was to work with young people to celebrate ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº. Students from our English, Performing Arts, Film and Art department worked with Olivia to create the RE:LOAD project over four weeks.

Our English students worked with professional poet Louise Fazackerly to create a poem celebrating ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº. This poem formed the backbone of the project. 

Our Performing Arts students, took the poem and created a dance piece inspired by it. They worked with Helen Le Roux, a dance artist from Oldham. Our Art students also worked with Simon Mound, to use the poetry and turn them into stencils. The stencils were used to create a graffiti art installation outside of ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº Library.

Film students captured the project, with the help of Josh Hawkins. The students and Josh have created a video of the RE:LOAD project installations, along with capturing shots of ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº town centre.

The RE:LOAD project was presented in ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº town centre before half term! Our students and the team's hard work paid off, with the Street Art installation being displayed and the dancers performing their dance, ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº:Reloaded. Both displays caught the public's attention and the RE:LOAD project was a huge success!

This project has been a fantastic opportunity for our students. They have been able to advance their creative and practical skills, along with other transferrable skills, such as working in a team and to a specific brief.

Well done all for participating! 




Tags: Performing Arts enrichment media dance english and languages

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